The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

My family consists of 6 members, I, my wife (Anita), Lorraine (19), Arnold (17), and the twins Konrad (15) and Elisia (15). Children speak English, French and Mandarin I received my primary, secondary and pre-university education in Hong Kong. Then I studied at McGill University, receiving B. Eng. (mechanical) in 1977, M. Eng. (Aerodynamics) in 1979, and PhD (Aerodynamics)in 1991. Furthermore, I received a M.Eng. in Acoustics from PSU "Graduate Program in Acoustics" in 2007 through distance education. I have been feeling very proud to receive an Acoustic degree from PSU. It is because PSU's Acoustic program is very unique, intensive and well respected. I have been working at Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) since 9/April/1979. Initially, I worked for all engine non-rotating aerodynamic issues and engine icing test. Since 1987 until now, I work exclusively on engine related noise issues, ranging from test cell test, outdoor full scale engine noise test, aircraft noise predictions, and customer supports. Since 2007, I have been teaching an acoustic course (8 hr) for P&WC engineers. I have seven US patents related to aero-engine noise reduction.